Canadian Aviation Regulations (SOR/96-433)

Information profile for the Canadian Aviation Regulations (SOR 96-433)


PART I - General Provisions


100.01 - Part I - General Provisions

101.01 - Subpart 1 - Interpretation

102.01 - Subpart 2 - Application

103.01 - Subpart 3 - Administration and Compliance

104.01 - Subpart 4 - Charges

105.01 - Subpart 5 - Aerial Sightseeing Flights

106.01 - Subpart 6 - Accountable Executive

107.01 - Subpart 7 - Safety Management System Requirements

108.01 - Subpart 8 - [Reserved]

109.01 - Subpart 9 - Aircraft under an Agreement for Transfer of Functions and Duties in Accordance with Article 83 bis of the Convention


PART II - Aircraft Identification and Registration and Operation of a Leased Aircraft by a Non-registered Owner


200.01 - Part II - Aircraft Identification and Registration and Operation of a Leased Aircraft by a Non-registered Owner

201.01 - Subpart 1 - Identification of Aircraft and Other Aeronautical Products

202.01 - Subpart 2 - Aircraft Marking and Registration

203.01 - Subpart 3 - Operation of a Leased Aircraft by a Non-Registered Owner



222 - Aircraft Marking and Registration

223 - Operation of a Leased Aircraft by a Non-registered Owner


PART III - Aerodromes, Airports and Heliports


300.01 - Part III - Aerodromes, Airports and Heliports

301.01 - Subpart 1 - Aerodromes

302.01 - Subpart 2 - Airports

303.01 - Subpart 3 - Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting at Airports and Aerodromes

304.01 - Subpart 4 - [Reserved]

305.01 - Subpart 5 - Heliports

306.01 - Subpart 6 - [Reserved]

307.01 - Subpart 7 - Aerodromes - Consultations

308.01 - Subpart 8 - [Repealed, SOR/2007-86, s. 9]



322 - Airports

323 - Aircraft Fire Fighting at Airports and Aerodromes

325 - Heliports

328 - Aircraft Emergency Intervention at Airports [Repealed 2006/06/30]

TP 312 - Aerodromes Standards and Recommended Practices (revised 03/2005)



Advisory Document 342 complementing regulations and standards respecting Airport Wildlife Management and Planning

Advisory Document 343 complementing regulations and standards respecting Aircraft Fire Fighting at Airports and Aerodromes


PART IV - Personnel Licensing and Training


400.01 - Part IV - Personnel Licensing and Training

401.01 - Subpart 1 - Flight Crew Permits, Licences and Ratings

402.01 - Subpart 2 - Air Traffic Controller Licences and Ratings

403.01 - Subpart 3 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Licences and Ratings

404.01 - Subpart 4 - Medical Requirements

405.01 - Subpart 5 - Flight Training

406.01 - Subpart 6 - Flight Training Units

407.01 - Subpart 7 - [Reserved]

408.01 - Subpart 8 - Conduct of Flight Tests



421 - Flight Crew Permits, Licences and Ratings

422 - Air Traffic Controller Licences and Ratings

424 - Medical Requirements

425 - Flight Training

426 - Flight Training Units

428 - Conduct of Flight Tests


PART V - Airworthiness


500.01 - Part V - Airworthiness

501.01 - Subpart 1 - Annual Airworthiness Information Report

507.01 - Subpart 7 - Flight Authority and Certificate of Noise Compliance

509.01 - Subpart 9 - Export Airworthiness Certificates

511.01 - Subpart 11 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

513.01 - Subpart 13 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

516.01 - Subpart 16 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

521.01 - Subpart 21 - Approval of the Type Design or a Change to the Type Design of an Aeronautical Product

522.01 - Subpart 22 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

523.01 - Subpart 23 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

525.01 - Subpart 25 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

527.01 - Subpart 27 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

529.01 - Subpart 29 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

531.01 - Subpart 31 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

533.01 - Subpart 33 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

535.01 - Subpart 35 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

537.01 - Subpart 37 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

541.01 - Subpart 41 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

549.01 - Subpart 49 - Amateur-Built Aircraft

551.01 - Subpart 55 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

561.01 - Subpart 61 - Manufacture of Aeronautical Products

571.01 - Subpart 71 - Aircraft Maintenance Requirements

573.01 - Subpart 73 - Approved Maintenance Organizations

591.01 - Subpart 91 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 26]

593.01 - Subpart 93 - [Repealed, SOR/2009-280, s. 33]



Chapter 500 - General

Chapter 501 - Annual Airworthiness Information Report

Chapter 505 - Delegation of Authority

Standard 507 - Flight Authority and Certification of Noise Compliance

Standard 509 - Export Airworthiness Certificates for Aircraft

Cahtper 511 - Deleted

Chapter 513 - Deleted

Chapter 516 - Aircraft Emissions

Chapter 522 - Gliders and Powered Gliders

Chapter 523 - VLA - Very Light Aeroplanes

Chapter 523 - Normal Category Aeroplanes

Chapter 525 - Transport Category Aeroplanes

Chapter 527 - Normal Category Rotorcraft

Chapter 529 - Transport Category Rotorcraft

Chapter 531 - Manned Free Balloons

Chapter 533 - Aircraft Engines

Chapter 535 - Propellers

Chapter 537 - Appliances and Parts

Chapter 541 - Airships

Chapter 549 - Amateur-Built Aircraft

Chapter 551 - Aircraft Equipment and Installation

Standard 561 - Approved Manufacturers

Standard 563 - Distribution of Aeronautical Products

Chapter 566 - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) Licensing and Training

Standard 571 - Maintenance

Standard 573 - Approved Maintenance Organizations

591 - Deleted

593 - Deleted


PART VI - General Operating and Flight Rules


600.01 - Part VI - General Operating and Flight Rules

601.01 - Subpart 1 - Airspace

602.01 - Subpart 2 - Operating and Flight Rules

603.01 - Subpart 3 - Specifla Flight Operations

604.01 - Subpart 4 - Private Operators

605.01 - Subpart 5 - Aircraft Requirements

606.06 - Subpart 6 - Miscellaneous



621 - Obstruction Marking and Lighting

622.11 - Ground Icing Operations

622.131 - Pilot Assessment of Runway Visibility

623 - Special Flight Operations Standards and Procedures

624 - Emergency Features of the General Operating and Flight Rules Standards

TP 15335 Flight Test Guide - Competency Check (Private Operators) - 2nd Edition


PART VII - Commercial Air Services


700.01 - Part VII - Commercial Air Services

701.01 - Subpart 1 - Foreign Air Operations

702.01 - Subpart 2 - Aerial Work

703.01 - Subpart 3 - Air Taxi Operations

704.01 - Subpart 4 - Commuter Operations

705.01 - Subpart 5 - Airline Operations

706.01 - Subpart 6 - Aircraft Maintenance Requirements for Air Operators



720 - General

721 - Foreign Air Operations

722 - Aerial Work

723 - Air Taxi - Aeroplanes

723 - Air Taxi - Helicopters

724 - Commuter Operations - Aeroaplens

724 - Commuter Operations - Helicopters

725 - Airline Operations - Aeroplanes

726 - Air Operator Maintenance

TP 12295 - Flight Attendant Manual Standard

TP 12296 - Flight Attendant Training Standard


PART VIII - Air Navigation Services


800.01 - Part VIII - Air Navigation Services

801.01 - Subpart 1 - Air Traffic Services

802.01 - Subpart 2 - Aeronautical Telecommunications

803.01 - Subpart 3 - Aeronautical Information Services

804.01 - Subpart 4 - Aviation Weather Services and Assessment of Runway Visibility

805.01 - Subpart 5 - Safety Management System

806.01 - Subpart 6 - Levels of Services

807.01 - Subpart 7 - Aviation Occurrences



821 - Canadian Domestic Air Traffic Control Separation Standards

824 - Runway Visibility Assessment

Manual of Standards and Procedures for Aviation Weather Forecasts

Manual of Surface Weather Observations


PART IX - Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems


900.01 - Part IX - Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems

901.01 - Subpart 1 - Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft

902.01 - Subpart 2 - [Reserved]

903.01 - Subpart 3 - Special Flight Operations - Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems



921 - Small Remotely Piloted Aircraft in Visual Line-Of-Sight (VLOS)

922 - Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Safety Assurance


PART X - Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Aviation - CORSIA


1000.01 - Part X - Greenhouse Gas Emissions from International Aviation ─ CORSIA



1020 - CORSIA